About The Pond
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The Pond - IB, AP Curriculum Counseling LMS Software for College Admission and Career Planning

Visualize your Potential : College Admission & Career Planning, The Pond

The Pond is an LMS software tailored for student admission and career planning. It analyzes students' aptitudes and preferences to provide tailored career recommendations. The Pond facilitates efficient career counseling for teachers. By leveraging data and AI technology, it assists in setting up major and career objectives through recommended student roadmaps. Both students and teachers can engage in more precise career counseling sessions through these customized roadmaps. The Pond efficiently organizes individual students' diverse grades, aspirations, career goals, and desired majors, simplifying the process of selecting suitable courses and structuring extracurricular activities, including creative experiential learning, thereby enabling stable career planning.
The Pond is designed and developed based on the IB curriculum. Customization is conducted to fit school-specific curricula and operational plans, enabling effective utilization according to each school's needs. The Pond will continue to be developed and updated in alignment with the Korean Baccalaureate, IB, and the high school credit system.
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 US 923 Hamilton Ave, Milpitas, California 95035, USA
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